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SEOSeptember 19, 2023

SEO­ in­ Web­ Development:­ Crucial­ Tips­ for­ Marketers

Pranav Begade

Written by Pranav Begade

Time to Read 4 mins read



In the digital world, the line between web development and search engine optimization (SEO) is blurring. For marketers, understanding this synergy is pivotal. While content reigns supreme, it's the foundation—the very structure of your website—that can make or break your SEO efforts. Let's dive into how technical web development intersects with SEO and why it's paramount for marketers to grasp these intricacies.

1️⃣ The Foundations of SEO-friendly Web Development:

→ User Experience (UX): A smooth user experience translates to better engagement, longer site visits, and a lower bounce rate. Google recognizes and rewards websites that prioritize UX, pushing them higher up in search results.

 Comparison between user-friendly website design and poor UX design.

→ Mobile Responsiveness: Post Google's mobile-first indexing, having a mobile-optimized site isn't a luxury—it's a necessity. Ensure your website adjusts flawlessly to various screen sizes to capture the vast mobile user market.

→ Website Speed: A millisecond delay can cost conversions. Faster websites not only enhance user experience but also rank better in search results. Tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights can be instrumental in gauging your site speed.

 Snapshot of Google's PageSpeed Insights test results showcasing website loading speed.

2️⃣Structured Data and Schema:

Search engines are smart, but they appreciate guidance. Using structured data helps explicitly tell search engines about your content's context. This clarity can lead to rich snippets, which enhance visibility in search results.

 Examples of search engine results with and without rich snippets from structured data.

3️⃣ Importance of Clean and Semantic Code:

While users see your website's front end, search engine bots analyze the code. Clean, semantic code ensures that search engine spiders can crawl and index content without hitches, bolstering your SEO efforts.

4️⃣ JavaScript and SEO:

Modern websites lean heavily on JavaScript for interactivity. However, this can pose challenges for search engine bots. Implementing solutions like server-side rendering can ensure that your dynamic content remains SEO-friendly.

 Illustration demonstrating how server-side rendering works for JavaScript content

5️⃣ The Role of XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt:

Think of these as your website's roadmap for search engine bots. They guide these bots on which pages to crawl or skip. An accurate sitemap and a correctly configured robots.txt file are foundational for effective SEO.

6️⃣ URL Structure and Site Architecture:

SEO-friendly URLs are clear, logical, and keyword-rich. Alongside, a well-thought-out site architecture, like breadcrumb navigation, aids users and search bots alike, ensuring that content is easily discoverable and understood.

Below diagram is highlighting the SEO-friendly URL structures.

 diagram is highlighting the SEO-friendly URL structures

7️⃣ Secure and Accessible Websites:

Users trust secure sites, and so does Google. Migrating to HTTPS isn't just about security—it's an acknowledged ranking factor. Moreover, ensuring web accessibility broadens your user base and complements many SEO best practices.

8️⃣ Integrating Social Media and SEO:

While the direct impact of social signals on SEO is debated, there's no denying the traffic potential of platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Implementing Open Graph tags and Twitter cards ensures that shared content looks appealing, increasing engagement.

The image shows how an opengraph optimized page looks on the social media vs the one which is not optimized.

 Side-by-side comparison of a social media post with Open Graph tags and one without.

9️⃣ The Synergy Between Marketers and Developers:

When marketers and developers sync, magic happens. A mutual understanding can lead to websites that not only look great but also rank high. By fostering collaboration, businesses can seamlessly meld the technical with the strategic, amplifying their online presence.


The age-old saying, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts," rings especially true for SEO in web development. Marketers, by understanding and leveraging the technical nuances of web development, can drive unparalleled online success.

Hungry for more insights? Reach out for an in-depth SEO audit or consultation. Alternatively, if you're looking for a quick reference, download our comprehensive SEO-web development cheatsheet now!


→ SEO and web development are deeply intertwined; both are essential for a successful digital strategy.

→ Stellar User Experience (UX) and mobile responsiveness are key for improved search rankings.

→ Clean, semantic code allows for easier crawling by search engine bots.

→ JavaScript-heavy sites pose challenges, but there are best practices to make them SEO-friendly.

→ Structured data and schema markup help search engines better understand content.

→ XML sitemaps and robots.txt guide search engine bots on which pages to prioritize or avoid.

→ Logical, keyword-rich URLs and well-planned site architecture are crucial.

→ Secure (HTTPS) and accessible websites not only protect users but also rank better.

→ Integrating social media components like Open Graph tags can enhance online visibility.

→ Open communication between marketers and developers leads to synergistic SEO and development strategies.


SEO and web development are interconnected. The technical aspects of a website, from its structure and coding to its performance and user experience, directly influence its search engine ranking. A website optimized for SEO from a development standpoint provides a solid foundation for other SEO strategies.

Mobile responsiveness is essential due to the increasing number of mobile users. Search engines, particularly Google, prioritize mobile-friendly sites in their rankings. With Google's mobile-first indexing, the search engine predominantly uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking.

Clean and semantic code makes a website easier for search engine bots to crawl and index. Well-structured HTML with appropriate tags ensures that content is correctly categorized and given the right importance, influencing how a site ranks in search results.

Not necessarily, but they can pose challenges. Traditional search engine bots might struggle to crawl and index content loaded via JavaScript. However, solutions like server-side rendering or dynamic rendering can make JS-heavy sites more SEO-friendly. It's also worth noting that Google has improved its capability to render JavaScript.

These tools guide search engine bots. An XML sitemap provides a roadmap of a website's pages, helping bots find all essential pages. The robots.txt file can be used to prevent bots from accessing particular parts of the site. Together, they ensure search engines index the content you want them to index.

Search engines prioritize the safety of users. HTTPS (secured sites) encrypt data, making it harder for hackers to intercept information. Search engines, recognizing the value of security, use HTTPS as a ranking factor to ensure users are directed to safe sites.

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